KhaoticStory v83

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Where The Pro Gets Pro'er

2 posters

    -Pride- GM Application


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2011-12-24

    -Pride- GM Application Empty -Pride- GM Application

    Post  Pride Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:52 am

    Real name:
    Alex Marshall


    Character name:

    Time zone and Country :
    GMT+0 (England)

    How long have you been playing Maplestory ( Private Server + Normal ) ?
    I've played Maplestory for approximately 4years or so.

    What Is The ONE Thing You Don't Like About Bad Gm's?
    They take their power to an advantage whereas they get cocky, abuse their powers by thinking they are mighty or so. Please. This is a game.
    what would u do differently?
    As a GM, I will be helping everyone I can and will tempban with no warning a hacker that decides to ruin this wonderful game for everyone else with every single evidence going against them - making sure there is no way they can deny the solid proof I will give. I will always be going around the game to check if people are in need and will respond to anyone who is asking for help.

    Approximately how long has it been since you joined the Our community?
    2months, I think. Although I'm not active - I have joined the ''Community'' for a while.

    Why do you feel that you would be the best choice for us?
    I beleve that I would be the best choice because, this game is still in need for GM's. I am not sure yet but I dont think there is a GM from the same time zone as me. This is one of a lot of private servers that I will appreciate in working with the staff. I also would love to help and take some of the burden of running such a magnificent game off of the other Staff members, and think that it would be easier to do this if I was working with the team than if I was just being a normal player.

    What qualifications/experience do you feel makes you the best choice for the spot?:
    I am getting used to this job, I have my qualifications and my own reasons - So, I have had alot of GM Experiences on maplestory private servers including; ActionMS (GM) , RydahMS (SHUT DOWN), FruitMS (GFX), LoveStory (GFX), BloodyStory(--/--) for a short moment, AscensionMS (Admin or higher) and MistaMS (Co-Owner). I have not been so excited, as to screenshot my experiences.

    Are you willing to play The Server your GM on for at least 4 non afk hrs per day?
    I am willing to play The Server as a GM on for at least 4 non afk hrs per day. I think I will be even more active if the server becomes non-hamachi.

    Are you willing to do events on a daily and sometimes hourly basis depending on server needs?

    Do you agree that you won't give any items/mesos to anyone while you are a GM unless premitted?:
    Yes, I am a trusted person, and will not be baised to anyone including; friends or relatives.

    What will u do if ur application not accepted?
    I would simply decrease the amount of time playing in this server.

    What will u do if two people are fighting?
    Try and cool them off if carry on being defiance then I would have no other choice, as to mute them and if they try making their way to use that chalkboard they will be jailed and have, hear both sides of stories - until then they would be in jail for ½ an hour.

    what will u do to a hacker?
    It depends on their rank if they were higher rank then me then I would report it to someone higher then them otherwise, cool them down and tell them to think of the consequences. ( I will try and mute them as when people are arguing they will forget about commands as such and will probably settle down for a bit.) If they where lower then me then I would tell them to think of the consequences - if not, they will be de-ranked until everything is sorted and the higher-ups come online.

    What will u do to make (The Server u'll be GM on) on more popular?
    Vote exactly 12 hours a day, Advertise and make videos of how good this server is.

    Additional information about you:
    My name is Alex Marshall, I am 14 years old - I usually listen to music while playing maplestory. I play basketball and football; I am currently in my schools basketball team and I am the new captain.

    Rock music

    Thank you, Hope you all wish me luck in the application Smile

    Posts : 64
    Join date : 2011-12-17
    Age : 26
    Location : Jordan

    -Pride- GM Application Empty Re: -Pride- GM Application

    Post  ReYaD Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:27 pm

    Denied For Joining More Than A Server Plus Putting It On Interest

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 8:28 pm