KhaoticStory v83

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Where The Pro Gets Pro'er

4 posters

    -Risen- GM Application


    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2011-12-23

    -Risen- GM Application Empty -Risen- GM Application

    Post  Risen Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:53 pm

    Real name: Nathan Crow

    Age: 14 (soon 15)

    Character name: Risen

    Time zone and Country : GMT + 0 (United Kingdom)

    How long have you been playing Maplestory ( Private Server + Normal ) : I've been playing the normal maplestory for 5Years now, as for Private Servers , It has been 1Year since i started playing again.

    What Is The ONE Thing You Don't Like About Bad Gm's: They take advantage of their abilities as a GM , and ruin the community of the server.
    What would u do differently: I would be a helpi

    Approximately how long has it been since you joined the Our community: About 1-2 Months now.

    Why do you feel that you would be the best choice for us: I have played for long enough, even though i haven't been coming on recently that is because i was busy, but as for now I will be as active as possible Very Happy

    What qualifications/experience do you feel makes you the best choice for the spot: I have only been GM Twice, Once in a Hamachi Server called "ThomasMS" which is currently down, and I am currently a GM in a server called AscensionMS, I know i do not have much experience but i want to help the server in every way I can and show my ability as a GM,I forgot to mention, I was also a GM in BloodyStoryv62, Reyad/Panico and Davey know this.

    Are you willing to play The Server your GM on for at least 4 non afk hrs per day: Yes, except I will be playing for more than 4Hours non afk unless their is noone online to help, or speak to.

    Are you willing to do events on a daily and sometimes hourly basis depending on server needs: Yes, I will be hosting events daily, but if there are a lot of people online the Event's prise will increase aswell.

    Do you agree that you won't give any items/mesos to anyone while you are a GM unless premitted: Of course I will not give anyone free items/mesos , If they do ask I will tell them that they will need to win an event, If they constantly doing it, I will simply warn them.

    What will u do if ur application not accepted: I will, (as you said) Try again, fill in my wrongs and increase my rights, and will hope to be accepted.

    What will u do if two people are fighting: If i see two players arguing, I will ask them what the problem is, and try to help them calm down in every way possible, If that does not work, I will move them from each other.

    What will u do to a hacker:What will you do when you see a hacker:
    You Could Call It My Reaction, but as soon as I see a hacker, I will Take a screnshot, tempban/jail post it on the forums and wait till a higher grade GM Comes on, Also I can suspect hackers a lot, and they turn out to really be hackers, when someone starts spacing out, going to different channels, I suspect them, I do not automatically jail them just because i suspect them, I go into hide and follow the person, for a bit, if there is no proof found I just leave the person.

    What will u do to make (The Server u'll be GM on) on more popular: I will help the servers become more popular by helping players in game which will make them like the server and maybe call their friends over, also try to call my friends that play maplestory over to play.

    Additional information about you/Additional Questions:

    Contact Info:
    Email/Hotmail: Googlehoogle@hotmai
    MSN: Itzrisen@hotmail (I cant post external links.)
    FaceBook: Don Darkz (Young Ridaa)

    How Dedicated Are You: I am amazingly dedicated once i am attached, I will be on daily 7 Hours+ A Day, and I will play more each day, as much as I can, Some people may be in a different timezone than me but i currently have a holiday, so I will be on for a lot, on weekends i am busy so i can only come one about 2+Hours a day, but i will try my hardest to go on even more.

    What "special" abilities do you have:What "special" abilities do you have
    I do not get irritate by people unless they delibrately annoy me, but if they do that, they will just get a warning for them to stop. I am also a very helpful person to New players I will also be very active in the game as a GM, host events for the players daily and tell other players to vote for the community, as i wish for the server to grow even greater than it currently is.

    About Me: My name is Nathan Crow and i am quite intelligent in school, I love games such as Maplestory and other games but the one i actually play the most is Maplestory, I play football and read books with adventures like The Skulduggery Pleasant Series,Percy Jackson Series and others.

    I Hope you consider me as a GM Very Happy

    Last edited by Risen on Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:47 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2011-12-19

    -Risen- GM Application Empty Re: -Risen- GM Application

    Post  lauren1503 Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:08 am

    Risen wrote:
    What qualifications/experience do you feel makes you the best choice for the spot: I have only been GM Twice, Once in a Hamachi Server called "ThomasMS" which is currently down, and I am currently a GM in a server called AscensionMS, I know i do not have much experience but i want to help the server in every way I can and show my ability as a GM

    I kind of have a bit of a problem with this.... the thing is if you are currently a GM on another Private server how do we know you will be Dedicated to play this server as much as you do playing the other?? We need GM's that can be active in game and we dont have to worry about them playing a different server that they are a GM in.

    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2011-12-23

    -Risen- GM Application Empty Re: -Risen- GM Application

    Post  Risen Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:31 am

    lauren1503 wrote:
    Risen wrote:
    What qualifications/experience do you feel makes you the best choice for the spot: I have only been GM Twice, Once in a Hamachi Server called "ThomasMS" which is currently down, and I am currently a GM in a server called AscensionMS, I know i do not have much experience but i want to help the server in every way I can and show my ability as a GM

    I kind of have a bit of a problem with this.... the thing is if you are currently a GM on another Private server how do we know you will be Dedicated to play this server as much as you do playing the other?? We need GM's that can be active in game and we dont have to worry about them playing a different server that they are a GM in.

    Nobody said you have to worry, have you heard of something called opening "Two" Maplestorys ?That's what I do, also that other server currently upgrading so it is offline.

    Last edited by Risen on Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:53 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Note: Am sorry if you find this post offensive.)

    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2011-12-22
    Age : 30
    Location : Dubai

    -Risen- GM Application Empty Re: -Risen- GM Application

    Post  benelhaj Sun Dec 25, 2011 9:31 pm

    Pretty Good But Currently We dont need many gm's so stay as a player for sometime and gl

    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2011-12-23

    -Risen- GM Application Empty Re: -Risen- GM Application

    Post  Risen Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:14 am

    I see, thanks for the response.

    Posts : 64
    Join date : 2011-12-17
    Age : 26
    Location : Jordan

    -Risen- GM Application Empty Re: -Risen- GM Application

    Post  ReYaD Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:30 pm

    Denied For A Fake Names , I Know That You And "Angelz" And "Pride" Are Brother So ; Why Faking

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